"The CADET tool found that children consumed on average 293 g F&V (95% CI 287 to 303) per day.
Clustered (by school) multilevel regression models with total F&V as the primary outcome were conducted
to explore how the home environment affects children's F&V intake.
Children of families who reported 'always' eating a family meal together at a table had 125 g (95% CI 92 to 157; p=<0.001)
more F&V than families who never ate a meal together. Daily consumption of F&V by parents was associated
with higher F&V (88 g, 95% CI 37 to 138) intake in children compared with rarely/never consumption of F&V by parents.
Cutting up fruit and vegetables for children was associated with higher consumption. Families who reported always cutting up
F&V for their children had 44 g (95% CI 18 to 71) more F&V than families who never cut up F&V."