“That’s not FAIR!”
This is the line that rings through most houses with at least one kid...
But we don’t all punish unfair behavior the same way, especially when punishment may be detrimental to us.
What is responsible for this difference? What mediates our reactions to what is unfair?
What they found here was a negative correlation. The MORE serotonin transporters you had,
the less likely you were to reject unfair offers. The authors interpret this to mean that people
with lower levels of serotonin transporter had a harsher sense of “fairness”,
than those with higher levels of serotonin transporter, and were more inclined to reject unfair offers.
Why could this be the case? The authors looked at the personalities of the individuals.
You might think that people with more aggressive personalities (or at least a tendency to get offended)
might be more likely to reject unfair offers, but it turned out that this wasn’t the case.
Instead, it was people with more peaceful personalities, but stronger measures of trust,
were more likely to reject the unfair offers. The authors believe that the people with higher trustfulness
had higher standards of behavior, and thus were more likely to reject unfair offers, even if the rejected ended up badly for them"