"Aaron did more than almost anyone to make the Internet a thriving ecosystem for open knowledge..
Aaron's eloquent brilliance was mixed with a complicated introversion. He communicated on his own schedule
and needed a lot of space to himself, which frustrated some of his collaborators.
He was fascinated by the social world around him, but often found it torturous to deal with.
For a long time, Aaron was more comfortable reading books than talking to humans
(he once told me something like, "even talking to very smart people is hard, but if I just sit down and read their books,
I get their most considered and insightful thoughts condensed in a beautiful and efficient form.
I can learn from books faster than I can from talking to the authors."
"Dabei fiel es dem Hacker manchmal schwer, sich verständlich zu machen. Ausgerechnet dem Kämpfer für freie Kommunikation
fehlten hin und wieder die richtigen Worte... Cory Doctorow schreibt anlässlich seines Todes von einem brillanten jungen Denker,
mit dem nicht immer leicht auszukommen gewesen sei"