"Future ability to generate wealth depends on techno-literacy...
By 2050 close to 40% of the U.S. population will be Hispanic and African American.
These groups receive 3% of the PhDs in math and science today.
How we prepare kids for a life sciences, materials, robotics, IT,
and nanotechnology driven world is critical.
But we currently invest $22,000 federal dollars in those over 65
and just over $2,000 in those under sixteen...
Because competitive congressional elections are rarer today
than turnovers within the Soviet Politburo, there is rarely an open debate
and discussion as to why other parts of the country act and think so differently.
The Internet and cable further narrowcast news and views,
tending to reinforce what one's neighbors and communities already believe.
Positions harden. Anger at "the others" mounts", 'dangerous idea', edge.org